Thanks to my lovely family & relative & friends for all the surprises!
Lemon cake from Sharon
Bento fm Kelvin, Calender fm Stephenie & Ang Pau fm hubby

< Massage from Wannie (in Perlis), My present is on the way by mail.
Finally arrival my Birthday gift from Wannie.>

Something difference. Strong M "initial & I LIKE it too.
Special calendar from my princess Yannie. Very usefull & love it very much.
Bento make by Kelvin - First time cook rice & well done & mum so proud to be your No 1. MUM
Gift from Susan Gift fm Sharon

Avocado Cake from Agnes Yong
Multi purpose bag fm my sister
Mince chicken with Tau Kang
Steamed Fish with soya sauce
Lamb with Coffee Sauce